COCOS PLUMOSA (Syagrus romanzoffiana)


A fake coconut tree that likes chilly

Of all the palm trees whose appearance could transport us to a tropical beach, this is the one that can withstand the coldest weather. Or, in other words, among the really hardy palm trees this is without a doubt the one that looks the most like a coconut tree. There is no doubt that this is why this beautiful palm tree with pinnate dull green leaves is one of the most widely used species to decorate avenues and parks around the world.

Habitat: In monsoon forests and flood plains.

Distribution: Paraná River Basin.

Description: Single-trunked, monoecious palm, up to 15 meters, with a stylized gray trunk with rings of leaf scars, pinnate green leaves, up to 4.5 meters long, short yellow inflorescence and yellow or orange fruits.

Weight N/A






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