CANARY ISLANDS DATE PALM (Phoenix canariensis)

The palm tree that some believed pineapple

This palm, endemic to the Canary Islands, is undoubtedly one of the most widely used ornamental palms in the world due to its impressive size and ease of cultivation. It is common to prune the leaves below the crown giving the palm an exaggerated and unmistakable appearance of a pineapple, with a scaly bulb crowned by a bunch of green leaves. A practice that many of us consider unnecessary, ridiculous and unaesthetic.

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Habitat: Forming oases in canyons and valleys where it finds abundant groundwater.

Distribution: Canary Islands

Description: Single-trunked, dioecious palm, up to 21 meters tall, columnar trunk with a fibrous mass of aerial roots at the base and remains of leaves under the crown, dark green pinnate leaves up to 5 meters long, orange inflorescence and small orange dates.










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