ANANACHICARI PALM (Copernicia alba)


A palm tree with good wood

This beautiful palm tree with a spherical crown and bluish leaves has more than ornamental use. Recent technical studies praise both the physical properties of the wood of this palm (it is a dense wood with up to 0.93 g/cm3) and its aesthetic appeal in sawn boards. Traditionally, ananachicarí wood has been used to make poles and roofs. At present it is considered a sustainable forest resource for making fences, in interior carpentry, or for the manufacture of furniture.

Habitat: Seasonally flooded forests

Distribution: Matogrosso region

Description: Single-trunked, hermaphrodite palm, up to 30 meters, with a stylized trunk that is light gray to white in color and sometimes keeping the remains of dry leaves in younger parts, leaves green on the upper side and silvery on the underside, up to 2 meters long, inflorescences cream-colored and ovoid black fruits.



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