BAMEL (Brahea dulcis)


A very ‘useful’ palm

More than thirty traditional reportec uses are given by the Central American indigenous people to this palm. This includes the manufacture of handicrafts, construction, ceremonial, medicinal uses, and even as food. It is worth noting one: bamel leaf ribbons are used as raw material for the manufacture of bags and hats, being the only use that gives significant economic benefits. The edible ripe fruits are noteworthy as well, this being the only hesper palm that produces food.

Habitat: Dry deciduous forests.

Distribution: East Coast of Mexico and Central America.

Description: A single-trunked, hermaphrodite palm, up to 6 meters tall, with a greyish-brown clean trunk with foliar scars, matte green costapalmate leaves up to 1.50 meters long, 2-meter yellowish inflorescence that protrudes from the crown and small yellow or brown edible fruits.

Weight N/A









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