KATONG PALM (Wallichia disticha)

A two-dimensional palm tree

If there is one characteristic of this beautiful palm that makes it unique and gives it its name, this is the arrangement of its leaves on the trunk, with all the opposite leaves appearing on the same plane and creating a fan-shaped crown. This original arrangement of leaves makes of this palm tree an original specimen that will look especially good if planted in an open space where this effect can be clearly appreciated.

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Habitat: Rainforests in valleys between 600 and 1200 meters of altitude

Distribution: Himalayas, India, Southern China, and Northern Thailand

Description: Single-trunked, monoecious, monocarpic (lives 15-25 years) palm, up to 9 metres tall, trunk covered with fibers from the ligules of the leaves, dark green pinnate leaves 3-4 meters long arranged distichically on the stipe, brown inflorescence and small red fruits.







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